Thursday, August 28, 2014


• 1 tablespoon oil 
• 2 shallots, chopped
• 1 garlic clove
• 100gr bacon, chopped) 
• 300gr chicken liver 
• 3 tbsp. port 
• 100 ml cream 
• Salt & pepper, to taste 
• 50gr butter, room temp
• 50gr butter, clarified

On medium heat sauté shallots and bacon until the shallots of softened (not brown).
Add liver and cook until it just changes color. Pour in the Port; allow it to cook before adding the cream. Add salt, pepper and parsley and cook until liver is almost cooked through, it should only take a couple of minutes. Leave it to cool.
Place mixture into a food processor with the butter, process until smooth.
Transfer to a serving bowl, flattening the pate out before you cover with clarified butter (or Clingfilm) to stop discoloring.
Keep in the fridge for 24 hours before serving for flavors to develop. This pâté keeps up in the fridge for about a week.

Facebook Chez Marie Clement, call 04 10 733 278 or e-mail

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


• 85 gm (½ cup) sultanas
• 2 tbsp brandy, warmed
• 5 eggs
• 300 ml pouring cream
• 300 ml milk
• 55 gr (¼ cup) caster sugar
• 1 orange, finely grated rind only
• 1 vanilla bean, seeds only
• ½ tsp ground cinnamon
• 8 slices of day-old white bread
• 60 gm soft butter, plus extra for greasing
• 1 tbsp demerara sugar
To serve: icing sugar and vanilla ice-cream or cream

Combine sultanas and brandy in a small bowl and set aside to cool.
Whisk vigorously to combine eggs, cream, milk, caster sugar, orange rind, vanilla seeds and cinnamon, and set aside.
Spread both sides of bread slices with butter and halve lengthways.
Scatter one third of the brandied sultanas into a lightly greased 1-litre capacity ovenproof dish.
Trim bread slices to fit dish and layer, scattering remaining brandied sultanas between each layer.
Pour cream mixture evenly over bread slices and stand until bread has completely absorbed cream mixture (about 1 hour).
Preheat oven to 180C. Scatter Demerara sugar over pudding and bake until golden and custard is firm (30-40 minutes).
Serve immediately or at room temperature, lightly dusted with icing sugar, and with scoops of vanilla ice-cream or cream to the side, if desired.
Facebook Chez Marie Clement, call 04 10 733 278 or e-mail
Original recipe from

Monday, August 11, 2014


·         Bread loaf
·         80 g butter, melted
·         1 garlic clove
Poached eggs
·         4 eggs
·         parsley
·         2 egg yolks  
·         2 Tsp lemon juice
·         90 g butter, cubed
·         Salt and pepper

Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Preheat oven at 180°C and place a pan full of water to simmer.

Cut 4 slices of bread about 1 inch thick and remove the crust.
Using a fork, scrape out a hole. Then brush all over with garlic butter.
When the oven is heated and the water is simmering, place the bread in the oven for 8 -10 minutes.

In a sauce pan over low heat or Bain Marie, start whisking egg yolks and lemon juice. Add butter little bit by little bit until it turns into a thick sauce consistency. Season to taste with salt and pepper  

Poached eggs
Slide eggs into the simmering water. When the whites are set, remove from water with a slotted spoon and place on paper towels to drain slightly. Season to taste with salt and pepper  

Remove toasts from the oven and place on the serving plate, very carefully tucking an egg into each slice.
Spoon Hollandaise over the top and garnish with parsley if desired.
Serve immediately.

Facebook Chez Marie Clement, call 04 10 733 278 or e-mail

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Choux pastry
Praline cream
·         8 egg yolks, room temperature
·         250g sugar
·         250g unsalted butter, softened
·         Almond and hazelnut praline
·         100g flaked almonds
·         50g icing sugar
·         1 egg yolk (glaze)

Preheat the oven to 210°C.
(Wheel) Pipe two circles of pastry next to each other and finally a third one overlapping the first two. Glaze with egg wash and sprinkle flaked almonds over the entire surface.
Bake for approximately 20 minutes.
Place egg yolks in mixing bowl.
In a saucepan, combine sugar with a little water. Bring to a boil and cook until the temperature reaches 121°C. When the sugar is ready, gradually pour it over the egg yolks, with the mixer on low speed. Once sugar is completely combined, beat on high speed until mixture has cooled down. Then gradually incorporate softened butter. Add praline last.
Scoop praline cream into a piping bag.
With a serrated knife, cut wheel in half crosswise. Forming big swirls pipe cream preparation on lower part.
Top with the upper part of the wheel. Leave in the fridge to set.
Dust some icing sugar over it just before serving.
Facebook Chez Marie Clement, call 04 10 733 278 or e-mail